HEY PHOTO FRIEND! Let me help you out! Check these ultimate tools to help you during your next event and booking!


A quick HELLO!

Ever need something to send your clients AFTER they book you, but just don't know what!? Here it is! This 5 page Welcome shout out is all you need to boost your clients confidence that they booked the right photographer! It's really important to make your clients feel appreciated throughout the planning process. A quick HELLO and thank you with this creative digital magazine will do the trick!

Having a WELCOME shout out for all your clients set's the tone for the whole process! They now feel like you are truly invested because of the thoughtful gesture, and it will kick start your client experience to get those referalls and repeat clients! 

Let it set the tone!

Inform Clients of Next Steps!

Don't just stop there! It's important to inform as well, so use this guide as a way to let your clients know the next steps! Think about it! When you know what to expect, you have a lot less questions, right? It makes for a smooth ride! Help yourself out and use this template to curate your own client process!


What comes in it?

If you struggle with lighting, this is for you! I discuss the technical aspects and the artistic aspects of being a light seeker to help you build confidence and expertise. If I had to choose, lighting would be the NUMBER ONE thing I tell other photographers to learn first! The beauty of it is that lighting your photographs has endless possibilties! Understanding that light can be fully experimental, and that failure is okay is key. Use this 35 page learning tool to help you through it!

Lighting & Editing

Styling & Posing

There are A LOT of extras in the lighting guide that I feel tie into this artform and wanted to share my knowledge of! How to style and make a mood board, and posing tips tricks and prompts! Wether you are new to the game or need a refresher to feel inspired again you've come to the right place!

The Ultimate FREE Template!

Want help organizing your thoughts when you shoot a wedding? I've done the work for you, and created a curated list of those staple things that happen at typically every single wedding. It is designed to remind you of the NEEDs, so you can focus on the creative! This guide has helped me get super confident and comfortable so I'm not running on fumes and have time for those creative ideas. Get consitent and stress a little less at your next wedding day!

This wedding guide is also a tool you can use to impliment into your client expereince! Sending your client the checklist to make sure they go into this important day with confidence that you know exactly what they want! Setting expectations for clients is crucial!

Finally, let this guide be a road map in itself! Allowing you total control over any situation because you know where you are going! This guide will help you create consistency for each wedding in your process and help you make the most of the creative parts because you have everything down to an art!


"This guide really helped me get my shit together for my weddings! I was going in with my head cut off a lot of times, feeling overwhelmed and trying to just go with the flow of the day. I always left really defeated because I got so busy I forgot so many ideas I wanted to get! With this I don't feel this way anymore, and I'm able to go into my weddings fully prepared that I never leave with regret! It's a big value for your client experience!

Anna Anna Anna Urive Photographs

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AHH! You're download is on the way! Stay Tuned!